Saturday, April 19, 2008

Oh Mr. Basile!

So today was a wonderful day. The sun was shining...the heat was rising..and the laughs were increasing.
It all started with a wonderful trip to Target....but what is new.
When I was there I decided to get lavender seeds, soil, and a cute pot so i could attempt to show my green thumb off to my wingmates. I was horribly unsuccesful and my finished product resulted in a laugh attack. Then depression. I discovered I am so far from having a green thumb it is instead a black thumb. Things die under my watch. I attempted to put everything together with many unsuccesfull attempts then when I thought I had correctly assembled the seeds in the pot I ran into Kellys room to show off my work and dropped it all over her floor. I tried to put all the soil back in the pot but random other things got stuck in the dirt. So now..I have a jar of dirt with Kelly's hair and oreo crumbs sitting in the window with the hope a flower sprouting.
After I sat and pout on my bed Anne and Kelly rush in laughing at my black thumb for gardening and decided that in order to cheer me up we should eat. lol.
Kelly, Anne, Lindsey and I all ended up in a car not knowing where we were going to eat... by nature Lindsey took the exit toward the Korean resteraunt only to realize that the other exits we needed were closed for construction. So wew took a scenic route. Me being the pessimistic one decides to talk about how great this is since now we get a closer look at downtown Milwaukee. Everyone else is grumbling about the traffic while I am sitting pointing at the buildings oohing and ahhing. We finally got to Seoul and got sat in our usual corner. We all got our usual..except me I decided to be adventurous and get the number 25. 15 minutes go by and everyone gets their food (rice, meat, chili sauce, lettuce, soup, water, green tea, and side dishes.) All I got was rice, soup, side dishes, and tea. I consumed my appitizer stuff while I waited for my food. I even ventured out of my safe zone and attempted to try the squid Kimchi with cucumbers. Ugh...*shudders* oh man was that sick! I felt like I was knawing on a tendon with a suction cup thrown in every once in a while. To try and wash the icky taste outta my mouth I had a sip of hot tea. The green liquid was an interesting concoqution. It tasted like they had stewed some old herbs with sweaty socks..wasnt really my thing. SO I sat and waited for my food and watched everyone chow down on theirs while I sat an lit my chopsticks on fire...then got the candle taken away.The waitress came and went while I waited for my took forever. Finally half an hour later I got the beast. I didnt know what to think. I had this giant fucking bowl of soup that was about a foot in diameter. I thought I ordered dumplings and rice cakes but I guess they decided to give a hot tub with it that I could enjoy them in. This bowl so so huge. It scared me because there were unrecognizable things floating around...I think I saw a boot floating around.
So after I consumed a large portion of this pond that they called dinner...I called it quits and got the rest to go. We ventured back to Alverno as I felt the boot kicking back.
The next part of our evening Hannah, Kelly, Jess, Kristen, Anne, and I went to the Babylon Circus concert. I wasn't really sure what to expect. We got the the theater and I got sat next to a man who's girlfriend had something against me because once I said hey she decided to maul him. I swear I was waiting for this chick to piss around him to make sure her terrotory was claimed! I was getting so Kelly and I moved to the end of the row instead of the freaking middle. This all happened before the show started by the way.. So this mess of foreign men come on the stage and start a frantic mess of music and get the crowd going. It was crazy thinking we were at Alverno and these men were getting the Alum and undergrads to shake their bums. Slowly some of the older people who couldnt handle the loud music left while my group of friends went up to the stage to mosh. So effing fun! I got to hop around with my girls and let go and laugh at how ridiculous we were at times! As the concert went on I fell more in love with the crazy music. It was so different from my normal scene but awesome. Slowly more people got up and danced while I got pushed toward the stage closer to the creepy couple to my left. There were these two people that were dry humping at the front of the stage and were going to was sick...people kept gasping when they looked over to them.
Ok so continuing with the concert...
I fell in like with the bass player..he was this scruffy man with a 5 o'clock shadow, buzz cut, glasses, wife beater, and of course a bass guitar. OMG! I cannot count the number of times I bit my lip while looking at this pure sex...oy! I was so naughty. OH man and his smile made me melt!
SO the concert went on and I noticed this sax player getting closer and coser to me and kept glancing in my direction throughout the concert. Eventually it turned into freaking eye sex! Hard core..I was in shock because I didnt find him attractive but found it hilarious how he would look at me and thrust his hips, smile, wink..and so the concert ends and I really wanted to go up to the bass player and ask him to have my children but I knew it would be a bit much. lol So I didnt go over there when they were all signing autographs but I waited for the girls to get their autographs. Kelly really wanted a smoke so we waited and then headed outside and ended up smoking with the sexy band members! Even the bass player...who i found out is named Basile...came out..Oy! The sexyness! He kept smiling and I felt so giddy and stupid! I wanted to just be like..oy your hot! Kelly and I talked with a couple of the guys then went back to the guyless dorms...sadness!

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